
This component allows to display infinite list of strings.
Each item represents an integer index which can be converted to the string representation with the Value property.
Item at center always have index 0, items before it have indices with step -1, items after it have indices with step +1.


  • Value Func<int, string>

    Convert integer value to the string representation.

  • Increase Action

    Increase value by 1.

  • Decrease Action

    Decrease value by 1.

  • AllowIncrease Func<bool>

    Check if the value can be increased. Values higher than the current one will not be displayed.

  • AllowDecrease Func<bool>

    Check if the value can be decreased. Values lower than the current one will not be displayed.

  • IsInteractable Func<bool>

    Is ScrollBlock interactable?


namespace UIWidgets.Examples
        using System;
        using UIWidgets;
        using UnityEngine;

        public class MinutesScroll : MonoBehaviour

                TimeSpan Time = new TimeSpan(12, 10, 20);

                void Start()
                        MinutesScrollBlock.Value = Value;
                        MinutesScrollBlock.Decrease = DecreaseMinutes;
                        MinutesScrollBlock.Increase = IncreaseMinutes;

                string Value(int steps)
                        // date used only for convenient conversion of minutes to string
                        var date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 2);
                        date += IncreaseMinutes(steps) - date.TimeOfDay;

                        return date.ToString("mm");

                string IncreaseMinutes(int steps) => Time + new TimeSpan(0, steps, 0);
                string DecreaseMinutes(int steps) => IncreaseMinutes(-steps);